S/N 44-73458 C/N 122-39917
1945: USAAF, Page Field FL
1951: Mar 16, RCAF 9294, BOC
1959: Aug 14, RCAF 9294, SOC
1958: Jul 21, N6525D, James Defuria / Intercontinental Airways, Canastota NY
1960: N6347T, James Defuria / Intercontinental Airways, Canastota NY
1963: N554T, Ray Alexander, Memphis TN
1965: Feb 09, N554T, W.R. Rodgers, Rolling Fork MS
1968: Cavalier Aircraft Corp, "Cavalier Mustang II" rebuild
1969: rep. smuggled, El Salvador, FAS 404 #2
- to replace FAS 404 #1 shot down Jul 17 during 100 Hour War
- Modified during FAS service to a TF-51, rep. crashed
1974: N36FF, Jack Flaherty, wreck
1975: N36FF, John Herlihy, Half Moon Bay CA
1975: N4151D, Gordon Plaskett, King City CA
1977: N4151D, rebuilt using 44-74012, first flight Nov 22, "TF-662"
1981: N4151D, Ben Bradley, Fort Lauderdale FL
1981: N4151D, Basil Deuschle, Pompano Beach FL
1983: N4151D, Don Whittington, Fort Lauderdale FL
1987: N4151D, Robert Waltrip / Air SRV Inc / Lone Star Flight Museum, Houston TX
1988: N4151D, Doug Arnold / Warbirds of Great Brittan, Biggin Hill UK - stayed in U.S.
1991: N4151D, William Hane, flies as 44-84660, TF-660
2008: N4151D, for sale
2009: Dec. N4151D, sold, Lone Star Flight Museum, Galveston TX
- Restoration at Ezell Aviation
- to be painted as 359th FG "Galveston Gal"
2010: Mar 25, N4151D, reg, Texas Aviation Hall of Fame
2011: Mar 07, N4151D, repainted and flown as "Galveston Gal".
- full IRAN inspection, replacement of lower RH longeron, extended vertical stabilizer, main gear re-bushing, replacement of wing fuel cells and a very nice paint job.
- First flight by Tommy Gregory.
2013: Oct 23, N4151D, crashed, Galveston Texas: 44-73458 went down into Halls Lake near Chocolate Bay, both Pilot and Passenger did not survive. Condolences to the Lone Star Flight Museum, family and friends of the pilot and passenger.
- salvaged -
2020: May 01, N4151D, sale, Dennis Harrup, Chesterfield VA, Restoration
2020: Nov 12, N4151D, reg, Dennis Harrup, Chesterfield VA
2022: Jul 27, N4151D, reg, CENTRAL VIRGINIA AVIATION INC, Oetersburg, VA