The North American P-51 Mustang
Combat Record 4950 Air Kills, 4131 Ground Kills, 230 V-1 Kills
P-51 Survivors Around 300 P-51s exist today, about half are flying.
Units of Measure feet, pounds, miles per hour, minutes, US gallons
Dimensions / Capacities / Weights
Model XP-51 P-51A A-36A
Length 32.25 32.25 32.25
Height 12.20 12.20 12.20
Wing Span 37.04 37.04 37.04
Fuel Capacity 170 180 180
... with drop tanks 0 330 330
Empty Weight 6280 6433 6433
Normal Takeoff Weight 8400 8600 8600
Max. Gross Weight 0 10600 10600
Model XP-51 P-51A A-36A
Manufacturer Allison Allison Allison
Model # V-1710-39 V-1710-81 V-1710-39
CID 1710 1710 1710
Horsepower 1150 1200 1200
War Emergency Power 0 1360 0
Model XP-51 P-51A A-36A
Maximum Speed 382 @ 13k 390 @ 20k 368 @ 14k
Cruise Speed 300 305 305
Climib to 20,000 Feet 0.00 9.10 9.10
Service Ceiling 30 31350 27000
Combat Range (no d.t.) 750 750 750
... speed/Altitude 300 @ 10k 300 @ 10k
Range w/ drop tanks 0 1375 1375
... speed/Altitude 280 @ 280 @
Model XP-51 P-51A A-36A
Machine Guns 4x 50, 4x 30 Cal Browning 4x 50 Cal Browning 6x 50 Cal Browning
... rounds available 1260 1260 1260
Bombs - lbs 2x 500 lb 2x 500 lb
5" Rockets
Dimensions / Capacities / Weights
Model P-51B/C-1 P-51B/C P-51D/K
Length 32.25 32.25 32.25
Height 13.67 13.67 13.67
Wing Span 37.04 37.04 37.04
Fuel Capacity 180 269 269
... with drop tanks 330 419 489
Empty Weight 6840 6985 7635
Normal Takeoff Weight 9200 9800 10100
Max. Gross Weight 11200 11800 12100
Model P-51B/C-1 P-51B/C P-51D/K
Manufacturer Rolls-Royce / Packard Rolls-Royce / Packard Rolls-Royce / Packard
Model # V-1650-3 V-1650-7 V-1650-7
CID 1649 1649 1649
Horsepower 1380 1490 1490
War Emergency Power 1620 1720 1720
Model P-51B/C-1 P-51B/C P-51D/K
Maximum Speed 430 @ 25k 439 @ 25k 437 @ 25k
Cruise Speed 325 @ 10k 325 @ 10k 325 @ 10k
Climib to 20,000 Feet 7.00 6.90 7.30
Service Ceiling 41500 41900 41900
Combat Range (no d.t.) 755 1180 1155
... speed/Altitude 290 @ 20k 294 @ 20k 294 @ 20k
Range w/ drop tanks 1450 1900 2055
... speed/Altitude 290 @ 20k 294 @ 20k 280 @ 20k
Model P-51B/C-1 P-51B/C P-51D/K
Machine Guns 4x 50 Cal Browning 4x 50 Cal Browning 6x 50 Cal Browning
... rounds available 1260 1260 1880
Bombs - lbs 2x 1000 lb 2x 1000 lb 2x 1000 lb
5" Rockets 10
Dimensions / Capacities / Weights
Model P-51H
Length 33.33
Height 13.67
Wing Span 37.04
Fuel Capacity 255
... with drop tanks 475
Empty Weight 7040
Normal Takeoff Weight 9500
Max. Gross Weight 11500
Model P-51H
Manufacturer Rolls-Royce / Packard
Model # V-1650-9
CID 1649
Horsepower 1380
War Emergency Power 2270
Model P-51H
Maximum Speed 487 @ 25k
Cruise Speed 325 @ 10k
Climib to 20,000 Feet 6.80
Service Ceiling 41600
Combat Range (no d.t.) 755
... speed/Altitude 359 @ 10k
Range w/ drop tanks 1530
... speed/Altitude 243 @ 10k
Model P-51H
Machine Guns 6x 50 Cal Browning
... rounds available 1880
Bombs - lbs 2x 1000 lb
5" Rockets 10