1945: US 9th AF, 370FG, 402nd Squadron, Lt. Bob Bohna - "Sierra Sue"
1947: Swedish AF Fv26152
1954: shipped - Nicaragua GN91
1961: display in Nicaragua
1970: return to USA, Dave Allender, San Aario CA
1973: N5452V (#2), Dave Allender - rebuilt as #19 racer, red with mini bubble canopy
1977: N1751D, Roger Christgau, Edin Praire MN
1978: N1751D, Dan Martin ferries 44-63675 to Hollister for restoration to stock P-51
1982: N1751D, Bob Bohna revisits "Sierra Sue"
1983: N1751D, restoration complete "Sierra Sue II" on left side, "Gul Kalle" on right side
2011: Jul, N1751D, sold, Paul Ehlen, to be restored to original
Restoration at Aircorps Aviation Bermidji MN
2014: Sep 17, N1751D, first-flight, pilot Doug Rozendaal, Congrats to Paul Ehlen and the crew at Aircorps!
2017: Feb 03, N1751D, reg, Paul Ehlen, Rare Birds LLC, Bloomington MN
2023: Dec 15, N1751D, sale, Craig Potts, Scottsdale AZ - Congratulations!
The Last of the Wild Horses
P-51 Survivors book featuring images from Dick Phillips and John Dienst, with Mark Phillips.
To order, goto The Last of the Wild Horses. You can order online.
Price is $100 for pages and pages of P-51 Survivor history and photos. Over 2,500 photos!
The late Dick Phillips shared hundreds of his P-51 images with us at MustangsMustangs over the last 25 years. If you can, help support his life-long passion. I recently ordered my copy.
Thank you!
Curtis Fowles, MustangsMustangs