Fred Benenati
11/28/2001 13:16
I will guess that it is now Bill Reinschild's "Risky Business". It looks like the plain metal aircraft that he owns, and it is over Van Nuys, which is where Reinschild keeps his present steed.
12/01/2001 12:00
Very reasonable guess, but not right Fred, sorry.
Mike Meek
12/08/2001 16:06
How about race 28 tipsy too then N100DD. Owned by the late John Sandberg. The light in the top of the tail is a dead givaway. Went on to be N345 Miss Ashley, now still in Switzerland?
Bob Burns
01/26/2002 21:41
The only one I've seen with a streamlined light on the tail like that one was John Sandberg's Tipsy Too which then became Miss Ashley and is now in Europe.
john rensink
03/12/2012 00:37
Sweet picture. P-51 over L.A. neighborhoods. Love it..It's different than Mustangs over La Grande Oregon.
john rensink
03/12/2012 01:00
So where did Tom Cruse find his Mustang.Van Nuys? Canadian left over?